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'Las Huellas de la Barraca' return to Navarra

Olite's XIII Classical Theatre Festival hosts La Barraca and makes for an unmissable theatrical treat this summer.

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Katie Sims, July 20th 2012

Navarra News


The show Lorca, Calderón y los estudiantes de Babel, from the theatre company Escena Erasmus, opened on 19th July at La Cava in Olite for its ​XII Classical Theatre Festival.


This is the first in a season of free performances called Las huellas de la Barraca, an initiative that revives the spirit of university theatre that was created by Federico García Lorca.


Federico García Lorca was a Spanish poet, dramatist and theatre director who was a pivotal figure in the avant-guard movement of Generation ’27 and its eventual disappearance during the Spanish Civil war, where Lorca lost his life.


Acción Cultural Española started this project in 2005 to bring back the spirit of La Barraca, the company created by Lorca, which aimed to take free theatre performances to rural areas in Spain. La Cava in Olite has been chosen as the venue to host three of the six companies selected for this year’s tour. The companies are Escena Erasmus, from the University of Valencia, the Architecture theatre group from the University Politécnica de Madrid, and the Anthropology theatre group from the Universities of Sevilla and Jaén.



The plot undone


Escena Erasmus, from the

University of Valencia, will

begin the season with Lorca,

Calderón y los estudiantes

de Babel, a show full of

music, languages and texts.

It’s peppered with humour,

satire and innocence that

takes you on a journey

around Europe, a Europe

ravaged by economic crisis,

but also a Europe with

character and shared values. The director is Antoni Tordera.


The next show on la Barraca starts on 25th July. Obligados y Ofendidos was created by Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla and will be performed by Architecture theatre group from the University Politécnica de Madrid. The protagonists of this comedy venture through twists, deception, secret romances and duels. Directed by Francisco Lidón Plaza.


The third theatre group from the Universities of Sevilla and Jaén bring El bobo del colegio by Félix Lope de Vega to the festival. Based on the history of the university of Salamanca, this will be the season finale on 30th July. This comedy is based around the love between a young lustful Salamancan and a dashing Valencian, in a plot plagued with deception, cheating, games and disguises. José Luis Fernández is the director.


Entrance to the performances is free. Collect tickets from the box office from 7pm in the Galerías Medievales for a 9pm start.


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