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Initiatives for integration in Navarra

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Katie Sims, 12th Nov 2012

Navarra News

FAIN (Federación de Asociaciones de Inmigrantes de Navarra) has a number of worthy objectives for the people of Navarra. By promoting awareness, sensitivity and participation, it brings together all the immigrant associations in Navarra. Navarra News went to meet Silvia and Yuliana from FAIN to find out more.

The current economic situation throughout the world has made for a tense atmosphere with regards to immigration in recent years. Discrimination, intolerance and social exclusion are some of the consequences that FAIN aims to eradicate. The association looks to empower people with the knowledge to integrate and allow integration into society.

To enable and reinforce integration into society, immigrants from all over the world have been invited to a course with FAIN. It is coordinated by Yuliana, a social worker originally from Ecuador and bursting with ideas for the future of this initiative. The president of the association is Silvia, a lawyer and expert in international and immigration law who came to Madrid from Peru 32 years ago to study.

Silvia explains, “of course there are many complex laws and decisions that people have to make when seeking resident status here in Spain, they must follow the rules carefully. Nevertheless, the integration of people into society is also very important.” Yuliana adds, “this happens on both sides, from the people accepting immigrants into their society and the immigrants themselves embracing a new way of life” she said as we tucked into a Colombian empanada, she continued “I’m married to a Navarran by the way! And of course it’s extremely important that we never forget our culture and origins.  A personal sense of integration is just as important as physical integration into a new place.”

Silvia provides a troubleshooting session where people can voice doubts and receive free legal advice. The course approaches topics from legal rights and obligations to job applications and CV building. It also aims to provide people with an understanding of Spanish society and more specifically Navarran society and the cultural and political autonomy of the region. Topics such as the history of dictatorship, the different regional languages and the structure and norms of Spanish society are discussed.

FAIN is always developing new projects to promote integration and education in the hope of moving towards solidarity in Navarra. Yuliana described another successful project she developed so that Latin American immigrants and Navarrans could come together for a football tournament.

FAIN has a good relationship with the government of Navarra who always supports their projects. However, the current economic climate is making things more difficult. As times get harder, inevitable cuts are on the way. Nevertheless, they are continuing to launch projects run by volunteers.

In association with Navarra News and FAIN, there will be a practical English class for beginners called “surviving in English”. Another open discussion group will be launched too. It’s a free conversation club for the people of Navarra which will look at topics such as immigration, integration, identity, globalisation, culture shock and fundraising.  As Mahmoud from Mali rushed to sign up for the class “surviving in English”, he explained how he was "lost in English and will do anything to learn more", apparently being fluent in three languages just isn’t enough!

Look out for more information about this on the webpage. If you’d like to get involved please contact Navarra News at

Navarra News went to find out more about the work FAIN does to support immigrants and promote solidarity in our region

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